Uninstalling N-Stalker

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There are several ways to uninstall N-Stalker Web Application Security Scanner. Before uninstalling, it is recommended to detach the current license to allow for new installations (see Detaching your license).


Uninstalling from Control Panel


1.Go to MS Windows™ Control Panel, click on “Add or Remove Applications” option;
2.Locate “N-Stalker Web Application Security Scanner” in the list of installed applications;
3.Click on “Change/Remove” button to initiate uninstall procedures.


Uninstalling from Main Directory


1.Go to N-Stalker’s main directory (usually \Program Files\N-Stalker\Enterprise Edition);
2.Double-click on file “uninstall.exe” to initiate uninstall procedures.


Tip: Before uninstalling N-Stalker, it is recommended to backup “Reports” directory to save previous scan session results.