Run N-Stalker from command line

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Once a scan session policy is already created (see "Create a Command line scan session policy"), we are ready to run N-Stalker from command line. Follow the steps below:


1.Open a DOS prompt;


2.Go to N-Stalker's main directory (usually under "Program Files\N-Stalker");


3.To obtain extended option's help, run:


NStalkerScanner --help


4.If no other option is chosen, run:


NStalkerScanner Policy.xml




"Policy.xml" being the location and name of the policy you have saved in the previous step (create a command line scan session policy).
Tip: If you have saved in your own desktop: NStalkerScanner "%USERPROFILE%\desktop\Policy.xml"


5. You can follow up N-Stalker session status through the scan console.




6. Once running, N-Stalker will provide a general log file (called "global-[DATE].log"). If you have chosen "--dashboard" option, N-Stalker will also generate a "status.xml" file that contain progress information about the scan session.