Proxy Options

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You may configure N-Stalker to use a Web Proxy for either scan and update activities. Follow the steps below to configure it:


1.Under "Global Options" dialog, click on "Proxy" (proxy options) button;




2.Under "Proxy Usage", you may choose the following options:




Use Proxy for scanning activities

Proxy will be used in the scan session

Use Proxy to communicate with N-Stalker (Updates)

Proxy will be used to check and retrieve updates


3.Under "Proxy Settings", you must enter a Proxy address (host/IP) and TCP port to have a valid configuration.


4.To assist your configuration, you may retrieve current configuration from Internet Explorer by click on "Retrieve IE".




5.If your proxy requires authentication, you may enter your credentials under "Proxy Authentication" section.


Tip: For Microsoft's NTLM authentication, you may use "DOMAIN\User" or "user@domain" format.


6.Once done, you must click on "Save Profile" to store these configurations under the existent profile or "Save As" to create a new profile.