Customizing Report Templates

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N-Stalker allows you to modify report's look and feel by replacing logos and header/footer statements.


Important Note: If you want to permanently modify your appearance settings you must open "Global Option" and click on "Report Options".


For "ad-hoc" modifications, here are the available options:




Special Notes

You may include special notes and comments that will be displayed in the beginning of the report (first page).




Header Title

This is the report's default header title (appended to all pages).




Cover Image

This is the default report's cover image. To load a new image, right-click over it and press "Load".




Header Image

This is the default report's header image (appended to all pages). To load a new image, right-click over it and press "Load".





This is the default report's footnotes content. This text will be appended in all pages.




Page Information

This is the report's default page information. This will be displayed in all pages to provide the page number.