Choosing scan target

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You must follow the steps below to configure scan target:


1.Enter web application URL. You may use the following formats:






2.Mark it "Scan both HTTP and HTTPS locations" if you need scan on these protocols.




3.Under "Choose Scan Policy", you must pick the desired policy to be used;




4.If you want to load scan settings used from a previously saved session, you may do so under "Load Scan Session" option:





This option will load all settings from a previously saved session. If you want to load the same policy, you must check "Load and use scan policy from this session" option.


5.If you want to use a previously saved spider information (website tree schema), you may do so under "Load Spider Data" option:



The behavior of this option is to have N-Stalker to run through the website tree again, fetching the web pages again to obtain all resources.
If you want to take advantage of a previously saved web cache, you must check "Use local cache from previously saved session" option which will avoid crawling through the pages again (however new resources might not be investigated).


6.Once done, you must click on "Next" button to continue.