Authentication Options

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This panel allows you to configure authentication credentials to be used within the Web Application assessment. Notice that web forms authentication is done through "Web Macros".


Authentication Settings




Enable HTTP Authentication (Basic, Digest, NTLM)

Enable N-Stalker to use authentication within the HTTP protocol

x.509 Authentication

Enable N-Stalker to use client-side digital certificates to authenticate


HTTP Authentication





Enter the username to be used as a credential

(You may use MS NTLM/Kerberos format if necessary)


Enter the password to be used as a credential


x.509 Authentication




Certificate File

Enter the path to your digital certificate file
(might be a binary or base64 format)

Key File

Enter the path to private key file (might be a binary or base64 format)


Enter the password to decrypt the private key file


Web Form auto-filling






Form input name

Insert input name using button 'Plus', eg. in html code of the authentication form: <input id="email" name="email" ..> use the content name of the input element/tag.

Form input value

Insert input password using button 'Plus', eg. in html code of the authentication form: <input id="ap_password" name="password" ...> use the content name of the input element/tag.


Web Macro Authentication




Web Macro Authentication

Choose from the list of previously recorded authentication "Web Macros". They will handle "Web Form" authentication.